關鍵字: 謝爾登·S·沃林:對當代西方民主的反思美國民主制度西方民主制度參考文獻:
[1] 我對這一主題的更詳盡討論,見于"Norm and Form," in J. Peter Euben, John R. Wallach, and Josiah Ober, eds., Athenian Political Thought and the Reconstruction of American Democracy (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994).
[2] Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, ed. Michael Oakeshott (Oxford: Blackwell, 1946), 83.
[3] Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (Harmondswonh: Penguin, 1970), esp. 137££.
[4] 更充分的討論,參見我的"Democracy, Difference, and Re-Cognition," Political Theory 21 (1993): 464-83.
[5] 對技藝(techne)概念的更詳盡處理,見于John Wallach’s forthcoming The Platonic Political Art.
[6]馬克思的“猶太人問題” 仍然是對這個矛盾的經典討論 。
[7] See William E. Connolly, Identity\Difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991).
[8] Jean Bodin, Six Books of the Commonwealth, trans. M. J. Tooley (Oxford: Blackwell, n.d.), book 6, chap. 4, 192-93.
[9] The Federalist, ed. Jacob Cooke (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1961), 61 (no. 10).
[10] 托克維爾的抱怨,see jean-Claude Lambeni, Tocqueville et les deux dtmocraties (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1983), 180. 托克維爾將美國民主與革命分離開,參見他的Oeuvres Completes, ed. J.-P. Mayer (Paris: Gallimard, 1969-), 1.14.
[11] 我對柏拉圖和亞里士多德如何處理民主制的更充分討論,參見我的文章"Norm and Form." The quotation from Plato's Republic follows the Shorey translation in the Loeb series.
[12] Aristotle, Politics, 3.5-6.1278b6-15: “現在,在任何情況下,一個國家的公民身體是主權;公民身體是憲法。因此,在民主制中,人民是主權;在寡頭制中,少數是主權?!盩rans. T. A. Sinclair, revised Trevor J. Saunders (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981).
[13] “民主制是通用憲法…它 是一切憲法業已解開的秘密?!盞arl Marx, Critique of Hegel's "Philosophy of Right," ed. Joseph O'Malley (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970), 29-30.
[14] 古代世界對這一主題的討論,see G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World (London: Duckworth, 1981), 278-300.
[15] Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 11: 124-26. 當洛克討論“人民的多數”的革命權利時,放大的政治再次出現。(11.209).
[16] 五世紀雅典民主制訴諸于抽簽、輪換、陶片放逐法等大膽舉措,來維護直接民主,但在六世紀,它開始出現米爾斯的寡頭制鐵律癥狀。See Josiah Ober, Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989).
[17] See, e.g., Plato,. Republic 7.563e-564a; Laws 70la; Polybius, The Histories 7.9; Philo, De Confusione Linguaram 23.108; De Fuga et lnventione 2.10, John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion 4.20.8; Sir Thomas Elyot, The Book named The Governor 1.1; Claude de Seyssel, The Monarchy of France 1.1; David Hume, "Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations," in Essays Moral, Political and literary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963), p. 374; and The Federalist, no. 10, p. 61, and no. 14, p. 84.
[18] Plato, Republic, 8.557e-58a; and see Laws, 3.693d.
[19] Tocqueville, Journey to America, ed. J. P. Mayer (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959), 51, 156.
[20] Oxford English Dictionary, entry 2 s.v. "solidarity."
- 原標題:難以抓住的民主 本文僅代表作者個人觀點。
- 責任編輯:李泠
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