關鍵字: 習特會解讀習近平與特朗普首次會晤特朗普美國推出TPP中美關系臺海問題王文RT訪談SS: There's always the One China policy that U.S. administration has said it's going to respect,but only in its own way it's not going to challenge the status of Taiwan, but it will help it militarily. So how's that sitting with China right now?
WW: I think that One China policy is the borderline of China's foreign policy...
SS: But how do you view or feel about the One China policy the way Americans see it?
WW: I think even President Trump - he knows the borderline of China's foreign policy. After he got the position, his new position, he never touched the borderline. President Trump chose to respect the One China policy. It is my understanding.
SS: Okay, but despite Chinese warnings, the U.S. is reportedly prepared for a large arms shipment to Taiwan. That's a fact. Is China going to challenge that somehow? Are you going to take some serious counter-measures or is it just going to be statements of displeasure?
WW: Yes, China criticised sales from the U.S. to Taiwan, but on the other hand, form the the scholar's perspective, we feel full confidence that any arms the U.S. sells to Taiwan, they will belong to China in the future, because Taiwan will a part of China in the future.
SS:But future is a very broad notion. I mean, we're talking right now, things are happening and Taiwan is getting stronger militarily thanks for the United States - are you okay with that? Because it can take another hundred years until Taiwan becomes Chinese the way you see it.
WW:I don't think so. Taiwan is an island. Even if Taiwan's military power becomes much more than before, Taiwan cannot change the status quo of the One China, because the GDP of mainland China nowadays is dozens of times of Taiwan's. Chinese military power is dozen times more than Taiwan's. Taiwan cannot change status quo or any conditions now. So we feel enough confidence. And, as for the future, China has a long civilization. We have the wisdom to wait and enough patience to wait for the new future and perfect the future.
SS: The islands in the South China Sea that Beijing claims as its own can soon become airstrips for combat Chinese aircraft. Do you think China is going to deploy a permanent force there to back its claim to the Islands?
WW:I think in those islands in the South China sea, China has enough right to protect our sovereignty. So, no one can stop it. It is our owner’s right, so why the U.S. is intervening in the South China island construction? There are so many Chinese people confused about it and criticising the U.S. intervention. So, I think the most important thing is that the world needs to know that the South China Sea, it's a relationship between China and South East-Asia countries.
SS: But it doesn't always look that easy. When I hear Secretary Tillerson say that "United States is going to deny" or not allow China access to its islands that it's building - how do you react to that? What if the U.S. really tries to deny access to China, what are you going to?
WW: But the U.S. often gossips over everything,
SS: You mean it's just blah-blah-blah? And there's...
- 原標題:王文:面對頂級外媒挑釁提問,我這樣回答 本文僅代表作者個人觀點。
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- 責任編輯:李泠
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